Featured Texts Archive
—All Th—Better—CHEFD8—Death —Execut—Ghostb—Housek—Juve v—Lord L—Motora—Opera —Rambli—Sex Li—Suzhou—The Cr—The La—The Re—Thieve—Venus —Zazie —
- …and what about FOXTROT?
- …as in a dream
- ’tis Autumn: The Search For Jackie Paris
- “Homage to Carole Landis” by Donald Phelps
- “Racketeering”: A New Plateau is Reached
- “Stranger Than Paradise” in One Shot
- (Wong Kar-wai) 2046
- {die Hard} Trilogy
- *Corpus Callosum
- 1-900
- 10
- 10
- 10 From ’87 (1st 10-best list for the Reader)
- 10 Items Or Less
- 10 On Ten
- 10 Things I Hate About You
- 1000 Favorites (A Personal Canon), part three
- 1000 Pieces Of Gold
- 101 Dalmatians
- 11 X 14
- 12 and Holding
- 12 Angry Men
- 12 Monkeys
- 12:08 East Of Bucharest
- 13 (tzameti)
- 1492: Conquest Of Paradise
- 15 Minutes
- 15th Annual Festival of Illinois Film and Video
- 18 Again!
- 1955 Letter
- 1984 (1985 review)
- 1991 in Movies
- 2 Days In Paris
- 2 Days In The Valley
- 2 Or 3 Things I Know About Her
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- 2001: A Space Odyssey
- 2002 Oscar Shorts
- 20th International Tournee of Animation
- 21st International Tournee Of Animation
- 22nd International Tournee Of Animation
- 23rd International Tournee Of Animation
- 24 City
- 25 Watts
- 25th Hour
- 27 Dresses
- 28 Days Later . . .
- 29th Chicago International Film Festival: Mired in the Present
- 29th Street
- 3 Needles
- 30 Door Key
- 30 Frames A Second: The WTO In Seattle And Trade Off
- 35 Up
- 36 Fillette
- 4
- 4 Little Girls
- 4 Months, 3 Weeks & 2 Days
- 40 Days And 40 Nights
- 5 Against the House
- 51 Birch Street
- 55 Days At Peking
- 60s Wisdom [CANDY MOUNTAIN]
- 68
- 6ixtynin9
- 7 Women
- 8 1/2
- 8 Mile
- 8 Seconds
- 84 Charlie Mopic
- 9 1/2 Weeks with Van Gogh
- 9 Songs
- A Bankable Feast [BABETTE’S FEAST]
- A Beauty and a Beast
- A Belly Full
- A Bluffer’s Guide to Bela Tarr
- A Borrowed Life
- A Boy Ten Feet Tall
- A Breakthrough And A Throwback
- A brief dispatch from Rotterdam [Chicago Reader blog post, 2007]
- A Brief History Of Time
- A Brighter Summer Day
- A Brighter Summer Day
- A Bronx Tale
- A Bronx Tale
- A Christmas Commodity: SCROOGED
- A Cinema of Uncertainty
- A Civil Action
- A Comprehensive, Alphabetical Index with Links to the First 25 Years of My Web Site
- A Confucian Confusion
- A Constant Forge
- A Couple of Kooks [MY BEST FIEND]
- A Cry In The Dark
- A Dangerous Woman
- A Day At The Beach
- A Depth in the Family [A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE]
- A Dialogue about Abbas Kiarostami’s SHIRIN
- A Different Kind of Swinger [GEORGE OF THE JUNGLE]
- A Different Kind of Thrill (Richet’s ASSAULT ON PRECINCT 13)
- A Dry White Season
- A Dry White Season
- A Family Affair
- A Family Thing
- A Family Thing
- A Far Off Place
- A Far Off Place
- A Few Days With Me
- A Few Eruptions in the House of Lava
- A Few Further Reflections on GREED (as seen on TCM, 6/14/15–6/15/15)
- A Few Good Men
- A Few Notes on My Holiday Home Viewing
- A Few Things Well [A LITTLE STIFF]
- A Few Thoughts about a Rant (& the rant itself)
- A Film of the Future
- A Fish Called Wanda
- A Fish Called Wanda
- A Flower In Hell
- A Force Unto Himself [on Hou Hsiao-hsien]
- A Friend Of The Deceased
- A Funny Kind of Tribute [I’M NOT THERE]
- A Girl In Summer
- A Girl Is A Gun
- A Good Man In Africa
- A Great Day in Harlem
- A Great Day In Harlem
- A Grin Without A Cat
- A Guide To Recognizing Your Saints
- A Handful Of Dust
- A History of Violence
- A Home At The End Of The World
- A Home Of Our Own
- A Humble Life
- A Hungarian Fairy Tale
- A Jumpin’ Night In The Garden Of Eden
- À la recherche de Luc Moullet: 25 Propositions
- A Lady Without Passport
- A Lawyer Walks Into A Bar . . .
- A League Of Their Own
- A Little Princess
- A Little Stiff
- A Little Transcendence Goes a Long Way [MILLION DOLLAR BABY & THE AVIATOR]
- A Lonely Man’s Voice
- A Lot Like Love
- A Love Song For Bobby Long
- A Lucky Day
- A Major Talent [on SWEETIE]
- A Man Escaped
- A Man Escaped
- A Man Escaped
- A Man In Love
- A Man Like Eva
- A Man Of No Importance
- A Man’s Woman
- A Mankless Credit
- A Married Woman
- A Matter of Life and Death: A.I. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE
- A Midnight Clear
- A Midnight Clear
- A Mighty Wind
- A Moment of Innocence
- A Moment of Innocence
- A Moment Of Innocence
- A Moon For All Seasons [on MOONWALK ONE]
- A Nest Of Gentry
- A New Leaf
- A New Life
- A Night At The Nickelodeon
- A Night In Havana: Dizzy Gillespie In Cuba
- A Night Of D.w. Griffith
- A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
- A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master
- A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
- A Note on “Welles’ Career: A Chronology”
- A Note on Media Urgency and the News As We Know It
- A Nous La Liberte
- A One And A Two… (Yi Yi)
- A Page of Madness
- A Page Of Madness
- A Perfect Candidate
- A Perfect Murder
- A Perfect World
- A Perfect World
- A Personal Journey With Martin Scorsese Through American Movies
- A Perversion of the Past [MISSISSIPPI BURNING]
- A Piece Of Pleasure
- A Place Called Chiapas
- A Place Called Chiapas
- A Place in the Pantheon: Films by Bela Tarr
- A Place In The Sun
- A Place In The World
- A Place in the World
- A Portuguese Farewell
- A Prayer For The Dying
- A Price Above Rubies
- A Prophet in His Own Country [Jon Jost retrospective]
- A Protest about the List Business
- A Pure Formality
- A Question Of Silence
- A Rage In Harlem
- A River Runs Through It
- A Road Not Taken (The Films of Harun Farocki)
- A Room In Town
- A Room With No View [ORPHANS]
- A Russian in Hollywood [SHY PEOPLE]
- A Scanner Darkly
- A Self Made Hero
- A Serious Man
- A Short Film About Killing
- A Short Film About Killing And A Short Film About Love
- A Short Film About Killing and A Short Film About Love
- A Short Film About Love
- A short film by and about a Marathon runner
- A Short Note on Béla Tarr
- A Simple Plan
- A Simple Twist Of Fate
- A Single Girl
- A Single Girl
- A Soldier’s Daughter Never Cries
- A Soldier’s Daughter Never Cries
- A Staggering Statistic [Chicago Reader blog post, 6/28/07]
- A Story Of Floating Weeds
- A Stranger Among Us
- A Street To Die
- A Summer In La Goulette
- A Summer Place
- A Summer Story
- A Tajik Woman
- A Tale Of Love
- A Tale of Love
- A Tale Of Springtime
- A Tale Of The Wind
- A Tale of the Wind
- A Tale of the Wind
- A Tale Of Two Sisters
- A Tale of Winter
- A Talking Picture
- A Taxing Woman
- A Taxing Woman’s Return
- A Thin Line Between Love And Hate
- A Thousand Words
- A Thousand Words
- A Ticket To Space
- A Time Of Destiny
- A Time Of Love
- A Time of Love
- A Time To Kill
- A Time to Lie (CROSS MY HEART)
- A Time to Live and a Time to Die
- A Touch of Class [GOSFORD PARK]
- A View From The Past [VALLEY OF ABRAHAM]
- A Walk In The Clouds
- A Walk on the Wilde Side [AN IDEAL HUSBAND]
- A Wedding
- A Winter Tan
- A Woman Is A Woman
- A Woman’s Tale
- A Woman’s Tale
- A World Apart
- A World Apart
- A Year at the Movies [1988]
- A Zed & Two Noughts
- A Zed and Two Noughts
- A.I. Artificial Intelligence
- A.I. Artificial Intelligence
- A.i. Artificial Intelligence
- Aaltra
- Abbas Kiarostami’s Five is finally available [Chicago Reader blog post, 12/29/06]
- Abc Africa
- ABC Africa
- Abel Ferrara: The Moral Vision (book review)
- Abigail’s Party
- About Baghdad
- About Baghdad
- About My Web Site
- About Schmidt
- Above And Beyond
- Above The Law
- Abraham Lincoln
- Absentor Something Like That
- Absolute Beginners
- Absolute Power
- Absolute Wilson
- Abyss Full of Tricks
- Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
- Acid Western
- Across The Sea Of Time
- Action and Distraction (STRANGE DAYS)
- Action Jackson
- Actress
- Actress
- Acts of Defiance [SAVAGE NIGHTS]
- Adam & Steve
- Adam’s Rib
- Adaptation
- Addams Family Values
- Addams Family Values
- Added Lessons
- Addicted To Love
- Address Unknown
- Adieu Bonaparte
- Adieu Philippine
- Adolescent Eye [on TWIN PEAKS, the first season]
- Adolescent Sex in Oberhausen [Chicago Reader blog post, 2007]
- Adorable
- Adrenaline Drive
- Adrift in the Wasteland (NAKED)
- Aeon Flux
- Aerograd
- Affliction
- Afghan Alphabet
- Afghan High Jinks
- Afraid Of The Dark
- African Camera: 20 Years of African Cinema
- African Camera: Twenty Years Of African Cinema
- After Dark, My Sweet
- After Dark, My Sweet
- After Hours
- After Life
- After The Sunset
- Afterglow
- Against The Ropes
- Agatha
- Age Of Consent
- Aileen Wuornos: The Selling Of A Serial Killer
- Akira
- Akira Kurosawa’s Dreams
- Al Capone
- Al-jazeera, Arab Voices
- Aladdin
- Alain Resnais and MÉLO
- Alain Resnais and the Marquis de Sade: A Letter and Some Speculative Comments About It
- Alain Resnais: The Discreet Revolutionary
- Albert Brooks, Triple-Threat Truth-Teller
- Alberta Hunter: My Castle’s Rockin’
- Albino Alligator
- Alex & Emma
- Alexander Dovzhenko, Hillbilly Avant-Gardist
- Alexandra’s Project
- Alexandria, Again And Always
- Alexandria, Why?
- Alfie
- Alfie
- Alfred Hitchcock Presents
- Ali
- Alias Betty
- Alias Jimmy Valentine
- Alice
- Alice
- Alice and Martin
- Alice Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
- Alien 3
- Alien Nation
- Alien: The Director’s Cut
- Alila
- Alive
- All About Lily Chou-chou
- All About My Mother
- All and Nothing [IRREVERSIBLE & AMEN.]
- All I Want For Christmas
- All in the Circle [ONCE AROUND]
- All Is Forgiven [MONSTER’S BALL]
- All Night Long
- All Of Me
- All Quiet On The Western Front
- All Quiet On The Western Front
- All Souls
- All The King’s Men