About My Web Site

According to my rough calculations, based partially on scrapbook entries, I’ve published over 9,000 items since the late 60s. And according to my former technical adviser and helper Benjamin Coy back in May 2008, when jonathanrosenbaum.com was launched, over 5,500 of these appeared in the Chicago Reader. As of March 22, 2023, 8,776 items have been posted on this site, now located at jonathanrosenbaum.net.

In some cases, if one looks up a particular film title, one may even find shorter and longer versions of the same capsule — a reflection of the Reader’s practice in recent years of trimming some of its longer capsules to conserve space. (J.R. Jones informed me that this trimming is no longer done; after I left in paper in early 2008 and Mara Shalhoup came in as editor, longer versions of the capsules appear on the Reader‘s website and shorter versions appear in print.)

In a few cases, due to some computer glitch, capsule reviews have been transported from the Reader web site in incomplete form. In those cases, I would advise going to the Reader’s own web site for the full version of the capsule, and would appreciate it if readers who encounter this problem could email me about it (at jonathanrosenbaum at earthlink dot net) so that I can restore the full version of the review on this site.

A caveat regarding the dates at the beginning and/or end of separate entries. Many of these are correct, but at least a tenth of them and possibly many more than that are not to be trusted. The reason for this is that computers compute and follow some orders but don’t think. Over 700 of my capsule reviews were never dated on the Reader’s database, and then had to be dated arbitrarily in order to be imported; and there are probably several others that were already dated incorrectly on the database for one reason or another. Non-Reader entries from monthly, bimonthly or quarterly publications also had to be assigned specific days as well as months and years, and there are most likely other glitches as well. I would welcome information from readers about ones that might be correctable, if they wish to email me (jonathanrosenbaum at earthlink.net), and I’ll correct these if I can.


On the first day of jonathanrosenbaum.net, October 8, 2013, 924 people paid  visits to this site;; 519 of these people came from the U.S., 93 from the U.K., 83 from Germany, 76 from Canada, 30 from Australia, 26 from Spain, 25 from Brazil, 15 from India, 14 from Argentina, 13 each from France and Peru, 11 each from Japan and Portugal, and 9 each from Indonesia and South Korea. On March 22, 2023, according to Goggle Analytics, there were 1,583 visits paid to jonathanrosenbaum.net. 

Over the past four weeks, there were 21,944 visitors, 20,420 of whom were new. 10,180 came from the U.S., 2,008 from China, 1,571 from the U.K., 892 from Canada, 863 from Germany, 434 from Australia, 379 from India, 378 from Spain, 333 from France, 269 from Argentina, 263 from Italy, 244 from Ireland, 241 from Sweden, 237 from Brazil, 191 from Mexico, 186 from the Netherlands, 184 from Portugal, 183 each from Japan and South Korea, 129 from Greece, 112 from the Philippines, 106 from Finland, 105 from Chile, 101 from Turkey, 87 from Romania, 86 from Singapore,  83 each from Colombia and Hong Kong, 82 each from Belgium and Peru, 71 from Indonesia, 70 each from Denmark and Poland, 60 each from Czechia and Hungary, 59 each from Croatia and Vietnam, 58 from Israel, and 53 from Switzerland. The remaining visitors came from 111 other countries. The average time spent by visitors was roughly 13 and a half minutes. The most common ages of the visitors, in descending order, were 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, and 65 and over. 2,769 were male and 1,620 were female.

For chronological indexes of items on this site, go here. For an index (with links!) to the first 25 years of this site, GO HERE

Site design by Rowan McNaught

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