Just posted on the website Con Los Ojos Abiertos (which literally means With the Eyes Open), Christmas 2018. (https://www.conlosojosabiertos.com/la-internacional-cinefila-2018-las-mejores-peliculas-del-ano/)
If I’d sent this in a bit later, I would have somehow managed to include A Bread Factory (Patrick Wang). — J.R.

Best Films:
The Other Side of the Wind (Orson Welles)

The Image Book/Le Livre d’image (Jean-Luc Godard)

Do You Wonder Who Fired the Gun? (Travis Wilkerson)

Roma (Alfonso Cuarón)

The eye was in the tomb and stared at Daney/L’oeil était dans la tombe et regardait Daney (Chloé Galibert-Laîné)
To varying degrees and in different ways, all 0f
of these films or videos are experimental,
which is also true of the two films found below.
Best debut feature: The Chaotic Life of
Nada Kadić (Marta Hernaiz Pidal, Mexico)

Best commercial film from the U.S.: A Simple
Favor (Paul Feig)