The rationale behind this unattractive animated comedy, a U.S.-German coproduction, seems to be that since it can’t create a fairy-tale world of its own, it might as well riffle through many of the more familiar ones, with particular emphasis on Cinderella’s, pretending to deconstruct them with postmodernist glosses, adolescent wisecracks, and a few high-tech anachronisms. Prince Charming is a vain doofus and his androgynous pretty-boy valet takes over as hero, while the equally androgynous Ella gets menaced by her curvy stepmother and protected from trolls by the seven dwarfs. Paul J. Bolger directed Robert Moreland’s script, and some of the familiar voices belong to George Carlin, Sigourney Weaver, and Wallace Shawn; I believe I also heard Bob Hoskins, though he’s uncredited. PG, 87 min. (JR)